Students will follow the CHAMP guidelines for each of the activities used in class. Each activity will be CHAMPED at the start of a lesson so that it is clear on what the behavior expectations are. Activities include Research, Workshop, and Instruction. First violation will result in a redirection. Repeat offense will result in Parent phone call/email and documentation. Further violation will result in referral to administration for classroom learning disruptive behavior. Make up work cannot be given in ISS or at home and must be completed on the students own time during tutorials, so it is CRITICAL that students exhibit self-control.
Rules: Care, Commitment, and Trust
Students who follow DCMS expectations will have great success in the class. DCMS expectations are CARE, COMMITTMENT, and TRUST. Students who show that they CARE enough to apply themselves to each task and work hard each day will be successful. Students who are COMMITTED to completing each project and showing up for class each day will be successful. Students who can be TRUSTED to accomplish the assignments to the best of their ability will be successful in this class. CARE, COMMITTMENT, and TRUST.